Promoting Your Posts With Facebook Ads

Facebook Advertising is a powerful platform to target new users and give your contest and/or content a boost! Which type of Ad should I run?

If you have 500+ Facebook likes you can run a Promoted Post

To use Promoted Page Posts to promote your contest follow these steps:

  1. Make a post on your Facebook Page that includes a link to your contest
  2. Go to that post on your Facebook Page and click “Promote Post” in the bottom-right corner of the post
  3. Set your budget (see below for budget recommendations)

- Promoted Posts last for 3 days – so you need to make a new one every 3 days.

If you have under 500 fans, Facebook does not allow you to run Promoted Posts, but you can run a Promoted Page Post (Yes – it is different than a Promoted Post).

These types of ads appear in the sidebar of Facebook, as opposed to the News Feed in the middle. While not as effective as Promoted Posts, for Pages with less than 500 fans they are your best option.

To use Promoted Page Posts to promote your contest follow these steps:

  1. Make a post on your Facebook Page that includes a link to your contest
  2. Go to
  3. Select your Facebook Page
  4. Select Promote Page Posts
  5. See below for targeting and budgeting!
Who should I target? (For Promoted Page Posts only)

There are two groups to target your ads to:

  • Friends of your current Fans: These users will see your ads with an included social recognition – meaning it will say that one of their friends likes you Facebook Page along side the ad. And your Fans’ friends are likely to have similar interests as your current fans anyhow
  • Users who Like your competitors: You can target these users with the Precises Interests feature. In this field you can enter competitor names to target users who like their Facebook Pages

Keep your Audience to approximately 100,000 people – this is the optimal size of a group that you want to target.

  • If you’re over 100,000: Limit the ages and geography to your most targeted groups and decrease the number of Precise Interests you have selected
  • If you’re under 100,000: Add more Precise Interests to target a larger number of users who have interests related to your business/industry
What should my budget be?

We recommend a budget of $100 spent in the first 3 days of your contest to give it a powerful starting point of entrants.

Promoted Posts run for 3 days by default, so running one Promoted Post for $100 is perfect.

Promoted Page Posts can run for any amount of time. Set it to last for three days and set the max budget to be $100.

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