Introductory Guide to getting started with Pinterest Web Analytics for your Business

Pinterest_Web_Analytics Many businesses have come to see the ways in which Pinterest can boost their online presence, enhance SEO, drive referral traffic back to their websites and run promotional campaigns. When it came to the matter of measuring Pinterest, there were (and are) a number of third party applications available. These alternative metrics and analytics tools for Pinterest are still worth considering however, it is no longer necessary to leave the site in order to track and monitor Pinterest metrics.. Pinterest has recently made changes to its design and site features. As far as online marketers are concerned some of these changes are good and some could be viewed as a hindrance to leveraging the referral potential of Pinterest. For instance, no more links allowed in pin descriptions and comments and no more Facebook liking for boards. On the other hand, the introduction of Pinterest web analytics is a clear indication that Pinterest has businesses’ interests in mind. I’m of the opinion that the new changes can be viewed as an opportunity rather than a burden. Outlining these design and feature changes on Pinterest however is a topic for a different article. For now, the only change I will review is the all new ‘Pinterest Web Analytics,’ a new and powerful tool for tracking how Pinterest users are interacting with your content.

Website Verification

To access Pinterest web analytics you will be required to have a verified website address. If you are unsure if your website is verified, visit your about section. If your website is listed on your profile with a check mark displayed beside it, you are good to go. If this is not the case, see the verify your website section under ‘getting started’ in this guide on setting up a pinterest business account.

Pinterest’s new look

Pinterest New look for Analytics To be able to see analytics you will also need to activate Pinterest’s new look. Upon logging into your Pinterest account, a message should be visible on your screen that asks you if you would like to switch to the new look. If for whatever reason you do not see this message, click on the profile menu on the right side of your page and click on ‘switch to new look.’ The new design is geared towards enhancing the already established visual appeal of Pinterest; among other changes, pins in the new look will be displayed larger and crisper.

Exploring Analytics

Pinterest Analytics for Business Now it is time to explore web analytics for yourself. Click analytics inside the top right menu under your name. Pinterest Web analytics will provide metrics (number of actions and number of people doing those actions) on pins, re-pins, impressions and clicks. It is also possible to assess which of your pins are most popular with visitors to your website by reviewing the most recent, most repinned and most clicked tabs inside of web analytics. For more detailed information on how to use Pinterest web analytics, consult this video tutorial. Pinterest web analytics gives you the power to pinpoint which content you produce is most popular – valuable data which you can then use to optimize your content accordingly. Pinterest has vowed to continue adding tools and providing insights to help you better understand what is and is not working on your website, making you ever more capable of producing better and better content in the future. Pinterest’s continued growth in popularity and easy to maintain platform make it a valuable resource for legions of online marketers today.
Leverage Pinterest for your Marketing Campaigns with Wishpond’s Pinterest Contest app. Run a Pinterest contest to engage fans to submit and vote on Pinterest boards, on Facebook, Twitter, Websites, and Mobile Devices.

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