Wishpond has launched their new cross-platform offers application with a bang, with Canada’s largest yoga company YYoga using Social Offers to create an incredibly successful promotion for the opening of their new studio location.
Wishpond Social Offers, the latest application to be added to the Vancouver-based companies multi-channel commerce platform, is a cost-effective and flexible way for businesses to create and run their own limited-time special offers. As people participate they share the offer with their friends and followers on Facebook and other popular social networks, helping the offer spread.
“Social Offers was simple to use, and we saw incredible results” said Matt Fraser, President & COO of YYoga. “We reached our maximum of 1000 people participating in the offer in just 2 days, and added more than 600 fans to our Kitsilano Facebook Page”
Businesses are able to create and publish their offer in less than ten minutes using Wishpond’s simple interface. They are able to specify all the parameters of the offer: the duration, the discount, the minimum and maximum number of participants, and the redemption details. The deals spread organically through all the major social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+), and by email as people participate.
“We wanted to create a promotional platform that was flexible, cost-effective, and delivered results that could easily be tracked in real time. We think that with Social Offers we have done just that” said Wishpond CEO, Ali Tajsekandar.
YYoga offered their fans unlimited use of their new Kitsilano studio for the 18 days following the opening for just $25, a 65% discount over the usual rate. Opening day saw a queue of people eager to redeem their coupon and get registered for their first class.
“Many businesses are investing heavily in creating a great Facebook presence, our Social Offers application is a cost-effective way to turn those fans into active customers, and reach a whole new audience at the same time. YYoga’s campaign is an outstanding demonstration of this”, continued Tajsekandar.
The launch of Social Offers came after several months of testing and optimization of the Social Offers product, during which time Wishpond ran more than 500 offers with a wide range of businesses.
“We’ve seen a redemption rate of just over 60%, and value the detailed analytics that Wishpond provides, as well as the exportable list of those who had claimed the offer” concluded Fraser.
Businesses can learn more about Social Offers on the Wishpond website: /social-offers/
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