Nearly 40% of Facebook users access Facebook on their mobile phones.
If your contest is not optimized for mobile then you are missing out on this massive group of users. Why?
Facebook does not support 3rd party applications in any of its mobile environments
Currently Facebook does not support 3rd party applications in any of its mobile environments – including their mobile apps and mobile website.
So how do you optimize your contest for mobile users?
Wishpond’s Solution: Our apps come with a unique redirect link to promote your contest on mobile!
When you send out a contest promo, include this redirect link as the contest call-to-action. When a user clicks on it, our system checks to see if they are on a mobile/tablet device or a desktop computer.
- If the user is on a desktop they will be directed to the contest on your Facebook Page.
- If the user is on a mobile/tablet device they will directed to a mobile webpage (hosted by Wishpond) where users can enter and engage with your contest, just as if they were on Facebook.