- Providing a respected how-to section on your website that aims to completely satisfy the customer is a fantastic way to provide value and create loyal customers.
- If non-customers are directing those who are new to your industry because the advice is so good, it will create bulletproof leads.
- Organizing a definitive industry how-to section provides you with unflappable legitimacy.
- Tumblr is a visually-rich, very popular social network with an emphasis on artistic imagery. This lends itself to making your products incredibly desirable, if you’re creative.
- Many of the Internet’s most popular menswear blogs originated on Tumblr. If your product has a presence on Tumblr, it’s an excellent chance to network with other like-minded folks.
- Providing original, high quality images may lead to your company’s Tumblr site going viral.
- Having guest bloggers on your site creates relevancy for your brand.
- The more illustrious the guest blogger, the more attention your site will garner. This may take time, and it may take money, but it is an investment in your marketing and your brand, with the ultimate goal of increased product sales.
- Always be willing to return the favour.
- Giving a well-written history for your products will only make them more desirable.
- Designating products as “essential”, especially with iconic columnists, gives you an undeniable voice of authority.
- Dubbing certain products as “essential” is a perfect marriage of the logical and the emotional.