We are always looking for new ways to connect with our customers, and with that in mind we recently launched a closed Facebook group for Wishpond customers.
This group is a great way for us to be able to share insights, tips, and tricks with you, and for you to be able to give us feedback and suggestions on our products. There are several Wishpond staff hanging out who would be more than happy to answer your questions, or help you out with anything that you might need help with.
Because the group is closed (people have to request membership) you don’t need to worry about people you don’t want to reading your questions or comments.
We will be sharing our own content, along with other interesting tidbits that we find around the web.
Head over and request to join now, it would be great to have you on board!
Of course you can also follow us on Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and our regular Facebook page if you feel like you aren’t getting enough Wishpond in your life.
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