Facebook Contest & Promotion Apps
Power your Facebook Marketing with Sweepstakes, Photo Contests and more that deliver new fans and contacts.
Plans start at $19/month, and include every app.
Mobile-Compatible Apps
Every Facebook campaign app is built to work on mobile. This allows you to capture the 40% of users who access Facebook on mobile.
Real-Time Reporting
Track metrics in real-time to optimize your campaign as it’s running, not after. Track views, participation, bounce rate and the potential reach of your campaign as they happen.
Create Like-Gated Campaigns to Get New Fans
You can require that users “Like” your Facebook Page before they can enter your campaign. It’s an easy way to get new fans for your Facebook Page.
Collect Email Addresses
Download all entrants’ email addresses. You own them. We never email your entrants.
Real-Time Reporting
Track campaign metrics in real-time during the run of your campaigns.
We provide a link to share that directs users to optimized group offer entry pages for both desktop and mobile users.
Auto-Sharing by Entrants
Entrant’s auto-share an invite with their friends on their Facebook Wall and in friends’ News Feeds.
Collect Entrants’ Data
Download entrants’ name, age, gender, location & Likes automatically via our integration with Facebook’s Opengraph.
Stop Cheaters
Only allow finite entries into your campaigns per Facebook profile to stop users from entering and voting multiple times.
Entry Moderation
Moderate all entries to stop malicious content from appearing in your contests.
Built-In Voting
We provide a link to share that directs users to optimized group offer entry pages for both desktop and mobile users.
Satisfy Facebook Policies
Wishpond Facebook apps are built within all requirements in Facebook’s Promotions Guidelines.
Custom Form Fields
Need to collect more info from entrants than email address? Add any fields you like and download in an excel file.
Custom Share Messaging
Customize all of the share messages and emails sent from your contests and promotions.
Custom CSS
Change every aspect of apps’ CSS stylesheets to fit your brand.
Translated in 35 Languages
Our apps have been translated into 35 languages, including all user-facing text and share messages.
Like-Gate Option
You can require that users “Like” your Facebook Page before they can enter your contests and promotions.
Custom Header Banner
Upload a custom banner image to fit your brand.