Why Do People Follow Brands?

One of the largest attractions to social sites is keeping tabs on our favourite brands, and Mashable explains in this article how “many brands have highly optimized their marketing and PR strategies to accommodate [this] behaviour.” Some of the highlights that you may not know include;
  • around 40% of users followed brands to get access to discounts and special deals,
  • close to 30% follow because they are in fact current customers,
  • and 97% say an online experience has influenced purchasing from a brand

Why do people follow brands INFOGRAPHIC

Source: http://mashable.com/2011/06/30/why-people-follow-brands/ http://blog.getsatisfaction.com/2011/06/29/what-makes-people-follow-brands/?view=socialstudies

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About the Author:

Wishpond is a simple yet powerful platform for social commerce. Our applications help thousands of businesses around the world exploit the power of the social web to connect with those interested in their products and services.

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