Students Love Technology

Technology plays a dominant and addictive role among students- yet whether time is spent for educational purposes or simply for procrastination has been unclear. Surprisingly, not all college students spend all their time on Facebook and Twitter.  But the do use all types of devices to help with research, presentations, and to enhance learning. 3 of 4 students say they wouldn’t be able to study without technology. With the growing presence of technology throughout all areas of a young person’s life, the amount of reliant education now on computers, mobile phones, and other digital devices was imminent. It has become a vital tool for education; however, it is important to steer clear of wasted hours spent on social networking sites. The amount of time students spend on Facebook decreases after sophomore year and half of students think tablets might replace textbooks- sounds like technology is heading in the right direction. Students Love Technology Via:

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Wishpond is a simple yet powerful platform for social commerce. Our applications help thousands of businesses around the world exploit the power of the social web to connect with those interested in their products and services.

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